Red River Rivalry This Saturday

Written by Mike Lewis

October 2, 2023

Join us this Saturday, October 7, for the OU – texas football game that kicks off at 11am. We will be providing some Chick-Fil-A and, just like all the other games, you are welcome to bring your favorite dish, side or dessert…Pot Luck Style! We might even have some cigar specials to celebrate OU’s win over that small community college from Austin. See you on Saturday and…


Previous Messages

Monday Night Football!!!

Every Monday @ztcigarsbymike...Tim & Dave will be in charge so come on over by 8:00pm & buy a stick to enjoy the games each week!

4th of July OPEN!!!

10:00am until 3:00pm Come, get your smokes @ztcigarsbymike.com !!!